I live on a farm and my nails cop a lot of rough treatment, but I can say with certainty that using sistico elixir is something I will never go without in my nail care routine. It’s amazing 👌
I'm not one who regularly got my nails done at a salon, but thought it would be worth trying Sistaco if it was easy and budget friendly. AND IT IS. The application lasts me 2 weeks. My nails are growing and getting stronger! A bonus for me.
I have quite mixed opinions about this product at this point. On the one hand, the manicures I have been able to do have definitely been better than I could do with regular polish and last about as long as my gel manicures have been lasting from the salon, which is unfortunately not long. It definitely feels like there is a learning curve with this product - first off, the powder gets EVERYWHERE if you're not careful. I'm also still working through how to best apply it. So I am cautiously optimistic. I acknowledge that there are videos online with suggestions, but I really don't have time for that - I need instructions that are quick and easy to follow. One thing that does NOT seem to be going well is the remover. I followed the instructions and while it did work some it did not work very well. I had to apply multiple times and there definitely was a lot of scraping, which the remover is supposed to avoid. So I am cautiously optimistic about the product, and quite disappointed with the remover.
I love the colors, and Raven did not disappoint. This system is fast, easy and my nails look professionally done.
I’ve perfected a gel manicure prior to using this system so it was super easy for me to figure out. It might take newbies a couple of manicures to keep from touching the cuticles with the base and top coat. I absolutely love that you can apply the shades multiple ways and get completely different results. I tried some of my holographic colors applied like classics and they are pure sparkles. Only downside is the removal process. Application is decently quick but removal takes so long. If you leave the remover on too long it dries out and won’t accomplish anything and takes a few applications of the product which comes in a small tube.